"The Saving Light"
(James Martin/Edward Jerlin) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was Jesus Christ. He is the Savior born in the night, come to lead us into the light! -CHORUS- He's the Saving Light, The Bright Shining Light, in a dimly lit corridor. He's the Saving Light, The Bright Shining Light, in a dimly lit corridor, called the world. Prophets foretold it, and now it is true, that Jesus the Christ He is born. He is the One, the Way, He's the Truth, the Bread until the journey is done. -Chorus- -Instrumental- So let us rejoice, in the birth of this child! Let us give praise and adore! For now is the time to begin life again, for this is the age of the Lord! -Repeat Chorus- © 1997 Everlasting Arms Records & Publishing All Rights Reserved |
A natural way to begin the album:
"In the beginning was the Word..." A few years ago, about a week before Christmas, Jim gave me the lyrics to this song, along with a tape of him singing, for me to learn so so we could perform it at one of the Christmas Eve worship services at our church. The music was in a minor key and had a somber tone. It seemed to me that the lyrics were more of a celebration: "So let us rejoice in the birth of this child..." So I re-wrote some of the music, keeping most of the chorus melody intact, while making it more up-tempo. Jim and I were just getting comfortable enough with each other to begin working with each other's music. This was the first song that we really collaborated on, and was the first song on the album to be recorded, before we even knew we were doing an album. After recording this, Jim began to encourage me to begin recording many of our other songs too. The end of this song is kind of my musical interpretation of how the shepherds must have felt looking up at the sky and seeing the star on Christmas night: The peace, punctuated by this "Saving Light" in the night sky, which portended the Saving Light of Christ.
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(James Martin/Edward Jerlin) Inspired by the light, I could see, what I am, what I could be. I am a new vision in Thee; Jesus loves me. And now with a love so clear, all my fears disappear. When God lifts me high, I'm transfigured! -CHORUS- I believe in God, I believe in God! I have witnessed Christ's vision, I have known the dream! I believe in God, I believe in God! and now I've changed! Though darkness seems never to fade, in Christ we bear the vision made, so clearly now, God's love so free, and we're transfigured! -Chorus- Marked by the body of Christ, what I am, what I could be, when I fully believe, Jesus loves me. So now I wouldn't be blind, if God's light I could find, and know only God can provide, and transfigure... -Repeat Chorus- © 1997 Everlasting Arms Records & Publishing All Rights Reserved |
This is one of the prettiest melodies Jim has written,
and is a wonderful and personal testimony of Jim's faith. There were many different ways to harmonize/accompany what he was singing, so I experimented and put different chords to each chorus, each one building upon what was established in the previous chorus. I also found it interesting how the second verse is change of pace and different than the first and third verses.
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"The Love He Brings"
(James Martin/Edward Jerlin) Come Holy Spirit, descend upon our hearts, for we are lost unless You find our way. And in this season, where Jesus Christ is born, we raise our voices to a brand new day. Unwrap the gift that no one else can find, the gift of love that will never end... -CHORUS- May the trumpet sound! May the angels sing! May the world be led, by the love we bring. In the coming Christ, The Promised King, The Child is born, Let the glad bells ring! Hear the angels sing! May the world be led, by the love he brings. Unwrap the gift, that no one else can find, the gift of love sent from the start, the very life, that only love can know, the grace of Christ, that mends our broken hearts... -Chorus- The angels, and the wise men, and the shepherds know, the story's told when we can truly say, that each new dawn will bring a brand new day, for Christ our Lord to lead us in the way! -Chorus- -Instrumental- -Chorus- © 1997 Everlasting Arms Records & Publishing All Rights Reserved |
This was another Christmas song, written a year after "The Saving Light".
This time, Jim gave me the words without any music, and asked me to write
the music to it.
The first verse seemed to be kind of an introduction to the rest of the song,
so that's how I approached it. I moved some of the words around and also added
some words to fit the music. Jim then changed the melody a bit to make it fit
the words a little better.
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"He Is Risen"
(James Martin/Edward Jerlin/Mark Polak) He is risen, He is risen, Alleluia! He is risen, He is risen, Praise the Lord! There are those, who doubted He could rise, that He is truly risen, they can't believe their eyes. Miracles, they would explain away. But a risen Savior, calls us out of darkness, and into life today! -CHORUS- Roll that stone away, from your heart. He is the Way, Truth, and Light! Accept what is given, believe Him today. He is the living bread of life! He is risen, He is risen, Alleluia! He is risen, He is risen, Praise the Lord! At the tomb, believers can be found, who realize an empty tomb is really quite profound. Now our doubts, have vanished in the night, when our risen Savior, conquers death,embracing us, in a brand new light! -Chorus- -Instrumental- -Repeat Chorus- © 1997 Everlasting Arms Records & Publishing All Rights Reserved |
This song is an example of two people who never met writing music together... Part of the melody was written by Mark Polak, the lead singer in an original band named "Grin & Bare It" that he and I were in during the early '90s. He had an idea for a song called, "Join In The Dance." His original idea was to try to inspire someone to stop watching life pass him by, and "join in." Mark and I were working on ideas for the song but we never finished it before the band broke up. I really liked the melody, though... A few years later, I was putting a tape together of music I had written for Pastor Jim to add lyrics to; I put a version of this one on the tape. I had reworked and added to the music bit since the "Grin & Bare It" days. Jim liked it and thought it would work well as an Easter song and we worked together on the lyrics and melodies. As the song developed, I felt it needed an instrumental section that would express the turmoil, confusion, and eventual triumph that surrounded the circumstances of Christ's resurrection, from the disciple's point of view. The musical passage in the middle was a piece I had written a long time ago that was still waiting for a home. After writing a few linking sections, it worked really well in this setting and conveyed what I was going for. At the end of the piece, many of the musical themes were able to weave in and around each other simultaneously over the chorus. Thanks to Mark who was gracious enough to let us use part of his melody.
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"For Christ That Day"
(James Martin/Edward Jerlin) When did you see the hungry, and never shared your bread? When did you see the thirsty, and passed them by instead? When did you see the homeless, and did not leave them fed? What you did to the least of them, You did for Christ that day. When did we go to prison, and did not find ourselves? When did we start forgetting, that for us the last bell knells? When did we see forgiveness, and did not know its name? What you did to the least of them, You did for Christ that day. Where can we find salvation, if we do not know our role? Where can we see tomorrow, if today we are not bold? Where can the true Lord lead us, if we will not go? What you did to the least of them, You did for Christ that day. -Instrumental- So be true to the words of Jesus, and you will not have to stray. So be true to the promised living, that eternal hope today. So be clear in the hope for heaven, on earth we pray in every way. What you did to the least of them, You did for Christ that day. © 1997 Everlasting Arms Records & Publishing All Rights Reserved |
These are some of the best and strongest lyrics that Jim has written.
There was a small pile of Jim-penned lyric sheets on my piano. One night as I was going through them, the lyrics to this one really struck me. The message seemed to demand music that had a serious tone, but also one that remained optimistic. So while much of it is in a minor key, each verse ends in a major key. Wanting Jim to be pleasd with my efforts, I spent an "all-nighter" in the studio putting together a proper demo for it. Most of the instrumental tracks from that all-nighter are on this recording. Each of us felt it was a perfect song for Meredith to sing.
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"O Spirit Come"
(James Martin/Edward Jerlin) Will the Savior be home, in us this day? Will the Holy Spirit, find a dwelling place? Will God's people know, how to make love grow? Will the Spirit live in us? -CHORUS- O Spirit, come! Come into our lives! Come into our hearst! Come into our very souls! The confusion ends when we let Christ in, when the Word of God finds an open heart. Then the Spirit moves in community. Let the Spirit live in us! -Chorus- Many languages were we born to speak. Many roads we've traveled, to our God and King. But in every place, and in every time, may the Spirit live in us! -Chorus- © 1997 Everlasting Arms Records & Publishing All Rights Reserved |
Jim wrote this one for Pentecost, and in honor of his son Roddy's confirmation.
It was an appropriate message at the time for our church. It also asks
some questions and challenges the listener.
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(James Martin/Edward Jerlin) From sea to shining sea, it's still America. A place for you and me to find our way home. A land of liberty, where pilgrims become free, by claiming trust in God's holy love. -CHORUS- America, America! America, America! For freedom's sake, a vow we take to love America! A torch of sacred light shines in the harbor. A living symbol standing for freedom's sake. Given to light the way, so we can live today, under the protection of God's love. -Chorus- God's kingdom come can grow in promised America, if we would bless the Son who started it all. Salvation now would make, a witness born to take, the calling love of Christ who saves us all. -Chorus- © 1997 Everlasting Arms Records & Publishing All Rights Reserved |
Jim, a veteran, originally wrote this patriotic song for a Memorial
Day service. I added the brief instrumental introduction/ending, and
changed around some of the chords, but the melody is all Jim's. This song has continued to grow on me through the years, though Jim recently expressed to me that he'd do this one differently now. Perhaps being from New York City, each of us has differing reactions in the wake of the WTC tragedy on 9/11. (I used to work on the 26th floor of tower 1. You can read about my experience here if you wish.) This one ends what I consider to be "Side 1" of the album. One of the things I don't like about CDs is the lack of a Side 1 and a Side 2. We intentionally put a 10-second break between "America" and "Everlasting Arms" on the CD for this reason. When listening to the CD, pause it after this song, give your ears a rest, get a snack, and come back refreshed and ready for "Side 2." I think you'll enjoy and appreciate the whole album better that way!
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"Everlasting Arms"
(James Martin/Edward Jerlin) Everlasting arms, arms that do enfold you, through the grace of God, we are dearly loved. Everlasting arms, arms that always know you, cherishing our lives, arms that never die. -CHORUS- Everlasting Arms, arms that will enfold you. Everlasting Arms, arms that life us high. Everlasting Arms, arms that never fail us. Everlasting Arms, arms that never die. Like a mother's love, no one can explain it, how our God above, in Jesus truly loves. In the Son of God, we have found the Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord, has given us our lives. -Chorus- Baptized in Christ's name, we are all God's children, united through God's grace, we are called to be, proclaimers of the way, lovers of God's spirit, comforted by God, who holds us in the arms. -Chorus- © 1997 Everlasting Arms Records & Publishing All Rights Reserved |
Jim originally wrote this one for Mother's Day, and ended up extending the
idea by expressing God's love for us in terms of a mother's love.
My writing contributions were minimal except for the vocal introduction
and the chords at the end. We each got a chance to accompany Jim on one verse. First Kirsten sang the melody with Jim an octave higher on verse 1, then Meredith harmonized with Jim on verse 2, then I added the echoing phrases on verse 3.
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"O Father God"
(James Martin/Edward Jerlin) O Father, God, we call upon Your name, because Your Son has called us here today. For now we know, we know, there is no other place to go, to go... In every crisis, you have been our God, giving voice to life against the odds. You save the day, each day, when we are hearing, what You say to us each day. Hallowed be Your name, Your name, we pray... -CHORUS- O Father, God, We would bless Your name, In every moment and every way, Find in the love, that we cherish here, The Living Savior, who is always near, who is always near. So let us praise, the love which You have raised, in the blessed Savior who remains, to teach in love, true love, until the lessons that are dear, become clear through God's love. In every story, God remains the same, loving all the children called by name. Into our lives God grows, becoming a vision, that will shine so bright, so bright, through the grace, which Christ provides to us all! -Chorus- -Instrumental- -Chorus- © 1997 Everlasting Arms Records & Publishing All Rights Reserved |
Unlike many other songs where Jim gave me lyrics to set to music,
I wrote the music to this song first, and Jim added lyrics to it. Jim felt that the music was a good setting for a prayer and would work well for Father's Day as a way of acknowledging God as our Heavenly Father, and us as His children in need of His Love and care. Jim changed a few of my melodies to make the words fit better, and we also worked together on a few of the lyrics to make them fit better with the music. This is one of my favorites on the album, a very emotional song, and one of Jim's best singing performances.
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"In The Silence Of The Morning"
(James Martin/Edward Jerlin) In the silence of the morning, as we wake up from our beds, and we toss our dreams aside, with a shaking of our heads, and we know the Savior's with us, for His loving presence fills us, and it's nice to know, that someone really cares, really cares. There were many who before Him, made those promises for life, but they never followed through, in the morning light. For we know the Savior's with us, for His loving presence fills us, and it's nice to know, that someone really cares, really cares. -Instrumental- So we find at holy manger, that we really are at home. All our hopes and dreams and wishes, can come true. In the Savior who is with us, while His loving presence fills us, and it's nice to know, that someone really cares, really cares. © 1997 Everlasting Arms Records & Publishing All Rights Reserved |
Jim wrote this one as a lullaby, so it was natural to have Kirsten sing it.
Jim sang the melody to me, and I arranged the chord progressions and
wrote the instrumental section in the middle. Regarding the sound effects: The song opens with crickets and a storm going on outside, just enough to keep a small child awake. By the time the mother is singing the second verse, the sounds outside are swept away by the wind chimes, leaving us with just the mother's voice - kind of like the way a child would focus more on her mother. By the third verse, the child is asleep, the mother is done singing, and all we're left with are the crickets without the storm.
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"Full Circle"
(James Martin/Edward Jerlin) -CHORUS- Coming full circle, Restored in the Lord, For every ending begins life again, For every ending begins life again! Everything has a season. Everything has a time, a time to be born, a time to die. But in every season, and in every time, Christ is the reason, we have our lives. -Chorus- Weeping may endure, but there's a time to laugh. For though we may mourn, in Christ we can dance! We must not lose, what we would now seek, love in the circle, where Christ's children meet. -Chorus- -Instrumental- Every act of courage, every gracious deed, is always in season, and always in need. And the loving circle, that in Christ we find, is stronger in love, than in hate any time. Everything has a season. Everything has a time. Christ is the reason, we have our lives! -Repeat Chorus- © 1997 Everlasting Arms Records & Publishing All Rights Reserved |
This one has a lot of personal meaning for Jim and me... This was the last song we wrote together before the Martins left on Staten Island to Pennsylvania. The night before his last service, Jim showed me the lyrics to this song. He had a melody for the chorus but no music for the verses. After working through it a few times, we got a feel for it, and the music to the verses flowed out fairly quickly. We ended up working on this well past midnight. Jim wrote this as kind of a going away present for the church, and as a reminder to keep the faith, based around the verses in Ecclesiastes: "Everything has a season [...] For every ending begins life again." Note how the song ends where it begins. The layers which have been added since the beginning of the song, quickly get peeled away at the end, leaving us with the sax and piano, then just the piano as the music comes "full circle". Also, the voices on the choruses at the end kind of keep moving in a circle. As one chorus pans off to the right speaker, the next one comes in at the left, then continues to the right to begin the circle all over again.
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"Can't Stop The Music"
(James Martin/Edward Jerlin) Can you hear the music, in Jesus Christ, born the Deliverer. Would you hear the melody, of redeeming love, a melody of eternal life. -CHORUS- We can't stop the music. We can't stop the joy. We can't stop the music if we tried. For the joy of our living, The joy of our song, The joy is the music that goes on! Now the chorus is more than a refrain, for the story has much to gain. It continues to grow in you and me, a chorus of cherished love. -Chorus- Christ came for harmony, it's clear to see, that in His dying He loved. Let us join all together, let us now believe, that the music will go on. -Chorus- -Instrumental- If you want the melody, of redeeming life, then share God's love with the world. For without a chorus, of believer's song, the music can't go on. -Chorus- A melody of eternal life, A chorus of cherished love, The music will go on... © 1997 Everlasting Arms Records & Publishing All Rights Reserved |
The song that started it all... Our church was hosting an ecumenical council of churches meeting one evening and Jim and I were asked to provide some of the music for this occasion. Jim showed me a song he had written some time ago that I had never heard before called "Can't Stop The Music". When we performed the song at the council meeting, it went over very well; people began spontaneously clapping and singing along. It convinced us that our music had the potential to reach people beyond our church, especially after a few people inquired about whether we had any recordings of our songs. As we were rehearsing the song, I found myself wishing that we had a drummer to drive the beat along. In order to compensate, I began playing the chords in a staccato manner, much like the way a drummer would play the hi-hat. Then the idea for a counter melody in the bass line seemed to be just what the chorus needed to drive it forward. The words to the chorus of this song express my feelings about music's importance in life and its never-ending quality. For the recording, since Jim sings "the music will go on", it seemed that the music SHOULD go on, thus the "Hey Jude" type ending. I've never been a fan of fade-outs on records; I prefer songs to have a real ending when possible. But given the lyrics, a "melody of eternal life" and the "music will go on", it made sense to let the music go on - and that the music shouldn't end. I perceive "Can't Stop The Music" as the end of the album, and "Lo I Am With You, Always" as kind of an encore...
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"Lo I Am With You, Always"
(James Martin/Edward Jerlin) Prophets now and then, would claim our love, offer us a kingdom or two. But there is only One, who still remains, keeps the promise, He was sworn to do. -CHORUS- Lo, I am with you, even to the end of time. Lo, I am with you, always. Jesus Christ arose on Easter day, rolled the stone away and was gone, risen from the grave, no longer dead. Surely He was God as He said. -Chorus- So walk the road today, where Jesus walked. Take a living lesson from His love. Let the risen Christ rise up in you, if an open tomb can be true... -Repeat Chorus- Lo, I am with you, always, always! © 1997 Everlasting Arms Records & Publishing All Rights Reserved |
Jim wrote this one during a time in his life when he was having doubts,
and this song was written out of the affirmation of his faith,
and an answer to a fervent prayer.
This beautiful and touching song ends the album well, and leaves
the listener with a wonderful message of encouragement and comfort,
calling to mind one of God's enduring promises.
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